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From best-of-security-request@suburbia.net Thu Sep 26 11:41:34 1996
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From: "Matthew Aldous" <mda@discovery.mhri.edu.au>
Message-Id: <9609261509.ZM2572@discovery.mhri.edu.au>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 15:09:34 -0400
X-Files: The Truth Is Out There
X-Disclaimer: Comments contained do not necessarily represent those of my employer
X-Copyright: Portions of this message may be subject to copyright. (C) 1996 Matthew Aldous
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Subject: BoS: D:\support\deptools\I386\Rollback.exe
Status: RO
Subject: Warning! NT 4.0 utility wipes system configuration
From: wex@tinbergen.media.mit.edu (Graystreak)
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Forwarded-by: Logan Sanders <lsanders@chromatic.com>
NT users beware! Retail copies of both the Workstation and Server versions
of Windows NT 4.0 shipped with an undocumented system-wiping utility. The
file Rollback.exe erases key components of the system registry, disabling
the operating system.
Microsoft Corp. officials say that once the file has been executed, the
changes cannot be undone and require a complete reinstallation of the
operating system. At least one incident of accidental erasure has occurred
and Microsoft is mulling over how to inform customers of the problem.
This undocumented feature could do the most damage to NT4.0 Server users
because it erases critical-security and user-account information. Without
an up-to-date backup, network administrators will have to recreate all of
the users' account and password profiles. Microsoft this week sent out an
E-mail warning to its channel partners. It stated that after running the
utility "the next thing the customer knows, they are staring at the set-up
screen and are completely down."
Rollback.exe was designed to allow OEMs to test NT with their hardware and
software configurations, and then return systems to their pre-installation
state. The file is located in the support\deptools\I386\ directory of the
NT CD-ROM and is not installed on the system by default. But the lack of
any online documentation or escape route once the program has begun has put
curious users at risk.
Microsoft officials say that more than 150,000 copies of NT Server 4.0 have
been sold since its release in late July. Microsoft has posted an entry in
its online Knowledgebase, but has not determined how it will notify
customers and OEMs.
"System Administration: It's a dirty job, but someone said I had to do it."
Matthew Aldous : 019339629 : mda@mhri.edu.au : Mental Health Research Institute